Corene travels the UK in pursuit of Austen, Doctor Who and baked bean pizza.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Late Night, Maudlin Street

And now it's time for another zany edition of:

Boroughs of London I've Gotten Lost In!


Croydon (London's 'hood where fathers of two regularly get shot in parks)

I was the last person on a bus that was rapidly travelling in exactly the wrong direction I need to go when suddenly the bus driver stopped in front of the above church where, displayed prominently, was a large sign requesting that residents stop pissing on it.

"This bus is terminated. You have to go."

"Terminated? But... Where am I? This is the land of baggy-pants people. I wanted bankers and Beef Eaters! I'm sorry, I seem to be temporarily lost."

And then he laughed in my face.

I calmly vacated the bus, walked around the churchyard having a Thomas Gray moment, mused about the disappearance of the English countryside and the existential doom that hangs over us all, and then I went back to the bus, and lit it on fire.

Islington (Where there are canals.)

I was trying to find a yarn store. Instead, I discovered a canal. And no yarn.

I'm like bloody Christopher Columbus bloody-well reborn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how was the hood? love, mom